An integrated, whole person approach

Most of us have learned to function in a world in which we assume the possibility of control, predictability and relatively clear or, at least ”figure-outable,” causes and effects. But, that’s not the world we actually live in.

30 years of experience has shown me that an integrated whole person approach will help you be more prepared to take effective action in alignment with what you care about rather than default to triggered and habitual reactions that leave you frustrated and tossed around by circumstances. 

My approach is grounded in the principle that enduring growth and change can only be accomplished by developing the whole person. I work with leaders to develop these interconnected dimensions of themselves:

A Skillful Mind

In a complex world, “best practices” don’t work. More often than not, what we face is new, unpredictable, and context-specific. I help leaders learn to be more skillful observers of themselves, relationships, organizational dynamics and the broader environment. They develop greater awareness by limiting habitual patterns of thinking, relating and acting so they can respond creatively to their circumstances.

Emotional Agility

We inevitably get triggered to emotional reactions in the midst of everyday life and work and act in ways that are counter-productive in our relationships and result in ineffective action. I help leaders become more grounded and steady as they navigate their reactions and those of others so that they step more courageously into a wider range of difficulties and opportunities. Leaders develop greater awareness of their own emotions, their impact on others and sensitivity to others' emotional states. This supports their ability to work collaboratively and build strong, enduring relationships.

A Resilient Body

Because we are fundamentally biological beings, our body reacts to our environment and to our own emotional and physical states, whether we like it or not. Leaders will learn practices to develop a wider “window of tolerance” and a robust nervous system providing the foundation for being resilient and steady in the midst of uncertainty and change.

An Engaged Spirit

In an unpredictable world, being grounded in your intentions and contribution to something bigger than yourself provides the meaning and energy that helps sustain you in the midst of the rollercoaster of everyday life. Otherwise, it’s easy to lose track of our sense of guiding purpose. We can start to drift in our work and in our life. I guide leaders in developing their sense of what they long to stand for, creating a durable foundation of meaning and depth as they face the complex reality of their everyday work and life.

My clients share that they

  • Respond effectively rather than reactively to the challenges and issues they face, reducing the amount of effort they have to expend. Less triggered by challenges, obstacles, and breakdowns over which they have no control, they are less frustrated and bring more of their natural creativity, intelligence, problem-solving ability and resilience to their work on the projects and relationships they care about.
  • Recover more quickly from setbacks and surprises.
  • Navigate and resolve interpersonal and organizational conflicts and difficulties with greater skill, focused on the outcomes they care about rather than getting side-tracked by blame, complaint and finger-pointing.
  • Collaborate more effectively with team members, across their organization and with external stakeholders.
  • Positively influence their organization regardless of their level or formal position in the organization.
  • Transition more easily from individual contributor to leadership and management positions.
  • Develop greater ability to dance between the big picture strategic picture, tactics and day-to-day execution.
  • Develop personal and professional habits that support sustaining energy and passion for their work.